I took some time to think about what I want to share on my blog going forward. I felt this time of reflection was necessary so my blog stood out, had value and wasn't spouting information that can be obtained elsewhere or had little to no relevance for small business. You have to first realize that 'blogging' is not my most favorite thing to do. I struggle to find the right topic or the time to put content out there, but I do think it is necessary to continue to blog. No matter how painful!
I did come to the realization that I want and need to be a resource for those employers who might not have their own legal counsel or someone experienced in employment law, employment practices, workforce solutions or claims/litigation management. I do want to be that resource for those businesses that just have nowhere else to turn to deal with their issues.
After this very challenging year, it has been especially challenging for the smaller to medium size businesses in our communities. It is important for those challenged businesses to be able to focus on their 'business' and get it moving forward again. Those businesses need all their other 'stuff' given to other competent professionals to handle and take care of. This handoff can include compliance, employment practices concerns or just employee engagement.
Contact us if we can help.
